
Introduction to Linux, Open Source Development, and GIT (LFD301)

Linux is booming and the demand for Linux developers has never been greater. This course will introduce you to the world of Linux development and give you the background and training you need to get started with Linux. If you are thinking about getting into Linux development, this is the best place to start!

In this course, you will learn about the history of Linux and what differentiates it from other UNIX-like operating systems, what the main ingredients of a Linux system are and how to use them, the essentials of system administration, such as user accounts and groups, essential commands, filesystems, security, and more, networking and threading models, aspects of compiling and using libraries, working with Java in Linux, and more.

In questo corso imparerai la storia di Linux e cosa lo differenzia da altri sistemi operativi simili a UNIX, quali sono gli ingredienti principali di un sistema Linux e come utilizzarli, gli elementi essenziali dell’amministrazione del sistema, come gli account utente e i gruppi, i comandi essenziali, i filesystem, la sicurezza e altro ancora, i modelli di networking e di threading, gli aspetti della compilazione e dell’utilizzo delle librerie, il lavoro con Java in Linux e altro ancora.

Categorie: Linux Foundation

The linux foundation 1