VMware Workspace ONE: UEM Bootcamp [V22.x]
In questo corso di cinque giorni si apprende come applicare le tecniche fondamentali per l’avvio e la manutenzione di una soluzione di gestione degli endpoint multipiattaforma e basata sull’intelligence con VMware Workspace ONE® UEM. Attraverso una combinazione di laboratori pratici, simulazioni e lezioni interattive, si configura e si gestisce il ciclo di vita degli endpoint. Imparerete inoltre a indagare, analizzare e determinare i problemi che potrebbero verificarsi con tutti i diversi componenti di Workspace ONE UEM.
Comprendendo come risolvere efficacemente i problemi del prodotto, gli amministratori possono capire come i servizi del prodotto comunicano e funzionano, ottimizzando così la gestione dei servizi e della salute del software. Alla fine dei cinque giorni, avrete le conoscenze fondamentali per gestire e condurre efficacemente la risoluzione dei problemi di base per Workspace ONE UEM.
Categorie: VMware Workspace ONE

• VMware Workspace ONE
Metodologia didattica
Il corso prevede laboratori didattici in cui ciascuno studente potrà lavorare ai fini di portare a termine esercizi formativi che forniranno esperienza pratica nell’utilizzo dello strumento, per ciascuno degli argomenti affrontati durante il corso.
Chi dovrebbe partecipare
Operatori e amministratori di Workspace ONE UEM, account manager, architetti di soluzioni, ingegneri di soluzioni, ingegneri di vendita e consulenti.
Conoscenze/Competenze in uscita
Al termine del corso, dovreste essere in grado di:
- Spiegare e applicare le tecniche fondamentali per avviare e mantenere una soluzione di gestione degli endpoint multipiattaforma e basata sull’intelligence con Workspace ONE UEM.
- Delineare i componenti di Workspace ONE UEM
- Spiegare le caratteristiche e le funzionalità generali abilitate da Workspace ONE UEM.
- Riassumere le funzioni amministrative di base di Workspace ONE
- Spiegare e distribuire le integrazioni comuni di Workspace ONE
- Distribuire in modo sicuro le configurazioni ai dispositivi gestiti da Workspace ONE UEM
- Inserire gli endpoint dei dispositivi in Workspace ONE UEM
- Riassumere le metodologie di gestione alternative per i dispositivi rugged
- Discutere le strategie per mantenere l’ambiente e la salute del parco dispositivi
- Configurazione e distribuzione di applicazioni ai dispositivi gestiti da Workspace ONE UEM
- Analizzare una distribuzione di Workspace ONE UEM
- Abilitare l’accesso alla posta elettronica sui dispositivi
- Integrare Workspace ONE UEM con i repository di contenuti e le condivisioni di file aziendali.
- Riassumere le metodologie di base per la risoluzione dei problemi
- Illustrare le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi nella console di Workspace ONE UEM
- Illustrare le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi durante l’integrazione di soluzioni aziendali nella console UEM di Workspace ONE.
- Riassumere le strategie comuni di risoluzione dei problemi per i dispositivi gestiti da Workspace ONE UEM
- Illustrare le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi di gestione delle applicazioni nella console UEM di Workspace ONE
- Riassumere le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi per la gestione della posta elettronica nella console Workspace ONE UEM
- Spiegare gli approcci comuni per la risoluzione dei problemi della piattaforma VMware Unified Access Gateway™ e dei singoli servizi edge.
- Illustrare gli strumenti utili per la risoluzione dei problemi, come il Self-Service Portal e VMware Workspace ONE® Assist™.
Programma didattico
1 Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives
• Online resources and references
2 Platform Architecture
• Summarize the features and functionality of Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline the benefits of leveraging Workspace ONE UEM
• Recognize the core and productivity components that make up the Workspace ONE UEM platform
• Summarize high availability and disaster recovery for the Workspace ONE solution
3 Administration
• Navigate and customize the Workspace ONE UEM console
• Summarize the hierarchical management structure
• Explain the features and functions of Workspace ONE Hub Services
• Outline account options and permissions
4 Enterprise Integrations
• Outline the process and requirements to integrate with directory services
• Explain certificate authentication and practical implementation with Workspace ONE
• Explain the benefits of integrating an email SMTP service into the Workspace ONE UEM console
• Describe VMware Dynamic Environment Manager™ and its architecture
5 Onboarding
• Outline the prerequisite configurations in the Workspace ONE UEM environment for onboarding devices for management
• Outline the steps for setting up autodiscovery in the Workspace ONE UEM console
• Enroll an endpoint through the VMware Workspace ONE® Intelligent Hub app
• Summarize platform onboarding options
6 Managing Endpoints
• Explain the differences between device and user profiles
• Describe policy management options for Windows and macOS
• Describe the functions and benefits of using compliance policies
• Explain the use case for Freestyle Orchestrator
• Describe the capabilities that sensors and scripts enable
7 Alternative Management Methods
• Describe the function and benefits of device staging
• Configure product provisioning in the Workspace ONE UEM console
• Understand the benefits of deploying a VMware Workspace ONE® Launcher™ configuration to Android devices
• List the system and device requirements for Linux device management in Workspace ONE UEM
8 Applications
• Describe the features, benefits, and capabilities of application management in Workspace ONE UEM
• Understand and configure deployment settings for public, internal, and paid applications in the Workspace ONE UEM console
• Describe the benefits of using Apple Business Manager content integration
• Describe the benefits of using server-to-client software distribution
• List the functions and benefits of VMware Workspace ONE® SDK
9 Device Email
• List the email clients supported by Workspace ONE UEM
• Configure an Exchange Active Sync profile in the Workspace ONE UEM console
• Configure VMware Workspace ONE® Boxer settings
• Summarize the available email infrastructure integration models and describe their workflows
• Configure email compliance policies and notifications services
10 Content Sharing
• Describe the benefits of using Content Gateway and the Content Gateway workflows
• Describe the benefits of integrating content repositories with Workspace ONE UEM
• Configure a repository in the Workspace ONE UEM console
11 Maintenance
• Manage endpoints from the Device List View and the Device Details View pages
• Analyze endpoint deployment and compliance data from Monitor Overview page
12 Fundamentals of Troubleshooting Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline software troubleshooting logic and support methods
• Summarize the main process flows for the Workspace ONE UEM components
• Explain the importance of Workspace ONE UEM process flows for troubleshooting
• Identify different Workspace ONE UEM log files
13 Workspace ONE UEM Console Troubleshooting
• Outline the best practices for troubleshooting Workspace ONE UEM console issues
• Identify common group management and assignment-related issues
• Outline common issues for Workspace ONE UEM console roles and system settings
• Understand how analytic events can be used to identity platform errors
• Summarize the steps for collecting and analyzing Workspace ONE UEM console logs
14 Integration Troubleshooting
• Outline the common enterprise integrations in Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline common troubleshooting techniques for the VMware AirWatch® Cloud Connector™
• Troubleshoot issues related to Directory Services integration
• Identify directory user and groups synchronization issues
• Troubleshoot issues related to certificate authority integration
• Explain VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ integration and Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub troubleshooting techniques
15 Endpoint Troubleshooting
• Compare the endpoint connection topologies in Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline useful tools and resources for endpoint troubleshooting
• Summarize the best practices for device enrollment troubleshooting
• Explain device connectivity troubleshooting techniques
• Demonstrate how to identify and resolve profile-related issues
• Identify common compliance policy issues and potential root causes
16 Application Troubleshooting
• Explain the different scoping questions for troubleshooting applications
• Review application management configurations
• Summarize the general tools and resources for application troubleshooting
• Describe the general logic of troubleshooting public applications
• Understand internal application issues and potential causes
• Explain purchased application troubleshooting techniques
17 Unified Access Gateway and Edge Services Troubleshooting
• Review Unified Access Gateway architecture and edge service workflows
• Understand Unified Access Gateway general configurations
• Explain how to utilize Unified Access Gateway related troubleshooting tools and resources
• Identify and resolve common issues for Content Gateway on Unified Access Gateway
• Summarize troubleshooting techniques for VMware Workspace ONE® Tunnel™ on Unified Access Gateway
18 Email Troubleshooting
• Review different email architecture and workflows
• Summarize common errors associated with email profiles
• Identify tools and resources for email troubleshooting
• Discuss troubleshooting techniques for VMware AirWatch® Secure Email Gateway™ on Unified Access Gateway
• Outline PowerShell integration issues and techniques to address them
19 Additional Troubleshooting Tools
• Describe how the Self-Service Portal helps administrators and empowers end users to resolve issues
• Explain how Workspace ONE Assist can help with troubleshooting endpoints
Durata – 5 giorni
Erogazione – in Aula, On Site, Remoto
Requisiti PC e SW:
- Connessione Internet
- Web browser, Google Chrome
- Zoom
Trainer: Italiano
Labs: Inglese
Slides: Inglese