VMware Integrated Openstack: Install, Configure, Manage [V7]
Questo corso di cinque giorni fornisce le competenze necessarie per creare un cloud privato utilizzando VMware® Integrated OpenStack su un SDDC VMware collaudato. Attraverso una combinazione di lezioni frontali e laboratori pratici, questo corso consente di acquisire le competenze necessarie per installare, configurare e gestire VMware Integrated OpenStack. Imparerete a offrire agli utenti finali IaaS e PaaS con funzionalità avanzate di rete e sicurezza utilizzando VMware Integrated OpenStack.
Categorie: VMware

• VMware Integrated Openstack
Metodologia didattica
Il corso prevede laboratori didattici in cui ciascuno studente potrà lavorare ai fini di portare a termine esercizi formativi che forniranno esperienza pratica nell’utilizzo dello strumento, per ciascuno degli argomenti affrontati durante il corso.
Chi dovrebbe partecipare
Architetti cloud, ingegneri di sistema, amministratori di data center e amministratori cloud con esperienza in un ambiente di service provider o di servizi gestiti.
Questo corso richiede il completamento dei seguenti corsi:
- VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V7] o conoscenze equivalenti
- VMware Integrated OpenStack Fundamentals [V6]
- VMware Network Virtualization Fundamentals [2017]
Una conoscenza sostanziale dell’amministrazione di Linux e delle reti TCP/IP sarebbe utile.
Conoscenze/Competenze in uscita
Al termine del corso, dovreste essere in grado di:
- Descrivere come VMware Integrated OpenStack si inserisce nell’SDDC VMware e i suoi casi d’uso.
- Elencare le opzioni di distribuzione e le modalità di installazione di VMware Integrated OpenStack.
- Descrivere l’architettura di VMware Integrated OpenStack e i suoi componenti.
- Configurare la tenancy e gestire l’autenticazione degli utenti
- Integrare il servizio OpenStack Neutron Networking con la piattaforma di rete per data center VMware NSX-T™.
Distribuire e gestire istanze di macchine virtuali - Monitorare VMware Integrated OpenStack con i servizi di monitoraggio OpenStack.
- Progettare un’applicazione multitier su scala automatica utilizzando gli strumenti di automazione integrati.
- Gestire un piano di controllo VMware Integrated OpenStack utilizzando Kubernetes
- Utilizzare l’interfaccia web HTML5 e i comandi CLI per visualizzare e modificare la configurazione, monitorare i file di log e visualizzare le tabelle del database utilizzate dai componenti di VMware Integrated OpenStack.
Programma didattico
1 Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives
• References and resources
2 Introduction to VMware Integrated OpenStack
• Describe what an OpenStack is
• Describe the services that make up VMware Integrated OpenStack
• Describe what VMware Integrated OpenStack is
• Describe what is NFV and how does VIO fit in
• Understand the licensing model of VIO
• Understand the use cases of VMware Integrated OpenStack
3 VMware Integrated OpenStack Deployment
• Understand the role of Kubernetes in the VIO control plane
• List the VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment models
• How to perform VIO high-availability deployment
• How to perform VIO compact installation
• Pre-requisites for installing VMware Integrated OpenStack
• How to use the HTML5 web UI / VIOCLI to check the deployment configurations and deployment running status
• Explain steps involved in patching VIO high availability setup
4 VMware Integrated OpenStack Architecture
• List the VMs deployed after a VMware Integrated OpenStack high-availability installation
• Describe the overall architecture of the VIO HA setup
• List the VIO services running within Kubernetes pods
• Describe the role of each service
• Understand SSL certificates in VIO
5 Keystone Authentication
• Understand keystone use cases and services
• List the features offered by keystone in VIO
• How to integrate keystone with LDAP
• List the configuration, view logs, and database tables related to keystone
6 Glance Images
• Understand Glance use case and its services
• List the features offered by Glance in VIO
• Explain how to create flavors and images
• Describe how to set up metadata, for example SPBM storage policy
• List the custom resources/logs and database tables related to Glance
7 Networking with Neutron
• Understand the Neutron use case and its services
• Integrate Neutron with NSX-T Data Center
• List the custom resources, logs, and database tables related to Neutron
8 Managing Instances with Nova
• Understand Nova use cases and services
• Understand regions, availability zones, and host aggregates
• Understand the concept of tenant VDC
• Nova support for multiple vCenter instances
• How to deploy an instance using Nova
• How to resize an instance and view the console logs
• Configuration and logs related to Nova service
9 Cinder Block Storage
• Understand Cinder use cases and services
• List the features offered by Cinder
• Adding a persistent volume to an instance
• Explain the Snapshot of a Cinder volume and attach it to another instance
• List the custom resources, log files, and database tables related to Cinder
10 Monitoring with Ceilometer
• List the Telemetry use cases and services
• How to enable Ceilometer in VIO
• How to monitor the VIO environment using Ceilometer
• Configuration and log files related to Ceilometer service
11 Automating with Heat
• Define Heat use cases, templates, and services
• Describe use cases of Heat
12 Troubleshooting Concepts
• List common issues in VMware Integrated OpenStack
• Use troubleshooting tools
• Describe simple troubleshooting procedures
• List and explain Day-2 operations
13 Advanced Features
• Describe Load Balancer as a Service (Octavia)
• Explain Firewall as a Service
• Describe Designate (DNS as a Service)
• Describe automating scaling
• Describe selective vCPU pinning
• Explain SRIOV network redundancy support
• Describe network trunk services support
• Describe Live resize
• Describe hardware passthrough (GPU pass through)
• Describe external REST API
Durata – 5 giorni
Erogazione – in Aula, On Site, Remoto
Requisiti PC e SW:
- Connessione Internet
- Web browser, Google Chrome
- Zoom
Trainer: Italiano
Labs: Inglese
Slides: Inglese