Using SLES for SAP Applications 15 to Provide High Availability for S/4HANA and Netweaver
This course is designed to enable you to deploy SAP Enqueue Replication Server with High Availability using SLES for SAP applications. The course uses SUSE best practices to achieve a deployment compliant with SAP NW-HA-CLU 7.40 for ENSA1 and S/4-HA-CLU 1.0 for ENSA2. First, the Enqueue server is presented with an overview of the architecture. Next, the environment needed for the implementation is analyzed, including the storage requirements for the high-availability Enqueue server implementation. Preparation is followed by setting up the systems for the SAP workload, creating and configuring the necessary cluster resources, and integrating the SAP environment with the HA environment using the sap_suse_cluster_connector. Cluster testing is then planned and executed, the cluster is monitored, and suggestions on best administration practices are provided.
The course helps students prepare for the SCE exam in SLES for SAP Applications-Part 1.
COD: SLE322v15
CATEGORY:Â Linux Enterprise Server

Who should participate
Administrators in charge of managing systems running S/4HANA or SAP applications hosted on the NetWeaver ABAP platform who need a high-availability solution for the Enqueue server hosted on a SLES for SAP Applications HA cluster. The configuration of a cluster hosting ENSA1 will conform to SAP NW-HA-CLU 7.40 certification, while that of a cluster hosting ENSA2 will conform to SAP S/4-HA-CLU 1.0 certification.
Participants should have SLES knowledge equivalent to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Sever SCA level and a thorough understanding of the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension or general High Availability concepts. This course does not require any specific knowledge of SAP products.
Participants will learn the following concepts and skills:
- SAP Enqueue Server Overview
- Preparation activities required for a successful implementation
- Configuring the storage needed for the Enqueue Server in an HA environment
- Setting up the cluster nodes to host the Enqueue Server and the Enqueue Replication server
- Integrating SAP into the cluster framework using the sap_suse_cluster_connector
- Deploying the cluster and configuring the necessary cluster resources
- How to design and execute cluster tests
- Cluster monitoring and execution of day 2 management activities specific to a cluster hosting the Enqueue server
Section 1: Introduction to the course
- Course objectives and audience
- Overview of the laboratory environment of the course
- Certification options
- SUSE additional training
Section 2: Overview of the Enqueue Server
- What is the Enqueue server?
- The Enqueue standalone server
- The Enqueue replication server
- Architectural overview of ENSA1
- Architectural overview of ENSA2
Section 3: Preparing for Enqueue server deployment with high availability
- Overview of required software
- Access to SAP media sets
- Overview of the installation process
- Structure of the SAP NetWeaver directory on Linux
- Storage configuration for the Enqueue server in an HA environment
- Configuring name resolution for ASCS and ERS instances
- Creating the Linux users for the ASCS and ERS instances
- Installing the Enqueue and Enqueue Replication servers.
Section 4: Fine-tuning SLES for SAP applications to accommodate an SAP NetWeaver workload.
- Using saptune to tune a host for SAP NetWeaver workload.
Section 5: Installation and configuration of SLES for SAP Applications to host the high-availability Enqueue server.
- SLE HA Cluster Installation
- Adapting SAP profiles to SAP certification
- Integrating the Cluster Framework with sap-suse-cluster-connector V3.x
- Adapting SAP Profiles to SAP Certification
- Creating and configuring cluster resources for ENSA2
- Overview of configuring a multi-SID central service cluster
Section 6: Cluster test design and execution.
- Designing cluster tests
- Understand the tasks and tools used for testing
- Plan and execute cluster tests
Section 7: Monitoring and administration of the HA solution.
- Monitoring HA Components
- Monitoring of SAP Enqueue Servers
- Recovery procedures after a fail over
- Enforcing a continuous SAP Kernel Switch
- Managing and distributing system updates
- Log files
- Administering the cluster
Duration – 3 days
Delivery – in Classroom, On Site, Remote
PC and SW requirements:
- Internet connection
- Web browser, Google Chrome
- Zoom
Instructor: English
Workshops: English
Slides: English