VMware Cloud Foundation: Planning, Management, Operations [V4.3]
Questo corso di cinque giorni comprende istruzioni sulle funzionalità di VMware Cloud Foundation™ e su come pianificare, distribuire, gestire e operare con successo infrastrutture ibride e cloud, compresa la personalizzazione. Il corso illustra l’architettura di VMware Cloud Foundation e spiega le licenze, i certificati e la gestione dello storage e della rete. Il corso copre anche i domini dei carichi di lavoro, la disponibilità, la gestione del ciclo di vita e la risoluzione dei problemi.
Categorie: VMware Cloud
• VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x
• VMware vSphere 7
• VMware NSX® Data Center 3.x
Metodologia didattica
Il corso prevede laboratori didattici in cui ciascuno studente potrà lavorare ai fini di portare a termine esercizi formativi che forniranno esperienza pratica nell’utilizzo dello strumento, per ciascuno degli argomenti affrontati durante il corso.
Chi dovrebbe partecipare
Amministratori di sistema esperti, integratori di sistema e consulenti responsabili dell’implementazione e della gestione di VMware Cloud Foundation
Questo corso richiede esperienza di amministrazione di sistema con le implementazioni vSphere e il completamento dei seguenti corsi:
Conoscenze/Competenze in uscita
Al termine del corso, dovreste essere in grado di:
- Descrivere le implicazioni di progettazione dell’architettura standard o consolidata di VMware Cloud Foundation.
- Elencare i requisiti per l’implementazione di VMware Cloud Foundation
- Descrivere il processo di bring-up di VMware Cloud Foundation e l’architettura di VMware Cloud Foundation.
- Eseguire il bring-up di VMware Cloud Foundation
- Descrivere le considerazioni sulla rete fisica e virtuale
- Illustrare le opzioni di storage di VMware Cloud Foundation
- Utilizzare VMware Imaging Appliance per eseguire l’immagine degli host ESXi.
- Descrivere la federazione multi-instanza di VMware Cloud Foundation
- Utilizzare VMware Cloud Foundation™ SDDC Manager™ per eseguire attività operative.
- Descrivere i ruoli degli utenti in VMware Cloud Foundation e VMware vSphere®.
- Gestire utenti e password con VMware Cloud Foundation
- Gestire la rotazione dei certificati per i componenti di VMware Cloud Foundation
- Utilizzare l’integrazione con Active Directory per automatizzare la generazione e la rotazione dei certificati.
- Descrivere i domini di carico di lavoro
- Gestire i domini dei carichi di lavoro in VMware Cloud Foundation
- Gestire VMware NSX-T™ per VMware Cloud Foundation
- Descrivere i casi d’uso per le reti virtuali applicative (AVN)
- Soddisfare i requisiti di vSphere con VMware Tanzu
- Distribuire un dominio di carico di lavoro abilitato a vSphere with Tanzu
- Gestire lo storage VMware vSAN™ in un workload domain.
- Creare criteri di storage vSAN
- Descrivere lo storage Cloud Native
- Descrivere l’importanza delle misure di continuità aziendale in VMware Cloud Foundation
- Pianificare flussi di lavoro di backup e ripristino appropriati per i componenti di VMware Cloud Foundation.
- Implementare cluster allungati nei domini di carico di lavoro di VMware Cloud Foundation.
Programma didattico
1 Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives
2 VMware Cloud Foundation Overview
• Describe the VMware Cloud Foundation solution
• Describe VMware Cloud Foundation architecture
• Identify VMware Cloud Foundation components
• Describe VMware Cloud Foundation topology
• Define VMware Cloud Foundation terminology
3 Day Zero Tasks
• Identify the requirements for deploying VMware Cloud Foundation
• Identify management domain sizing considerations
• Identify workload domain sizing considerations
• Detail design considerations for ESXi in management and VI workload domains
• Detail design considerations for vCenter in management and VI workload domains
• Detail the VMware Cloud Foundation bring-up process
• Identify information required for the Planning and Preparation Workbook
• Identify information required for the Deployment Parameter Workbook
• Describe how VMware Cloud Builder automates the deployment process
• Explain how the Deployment Parameter Workbook is imported into VMware Cloud Builder
• Recognize the configuration validation process performed by VMware Cloud Builder
• Detail the deployment of the management domain
• Recognize the options to image a host
• Identify the key capabilities of VIA
• Recognize how to use VIA for imaging the ESXi Nodes
4 Post Deployment Operations
• Understand VMware Cloud Foundation integration with VMware Single Sign-On
• Configure user access to VMware Cloud Foundation
• Describe the importance of user roles in vSphere
• Configure identity sources in vSphere to use with VMware Cloud Foundation
• Manage passwords in VMware Cloud Foundation
• Explain the importance of using VMware Cloud Foundation to manage passwords for vSphere components
• Detail the best practices for password management for VMware Cloud Foundation
• Retrieve and secure the password list
• Describe the process for rotating passwords not managed by VMware Cloud Foundation
5 VMware Cloud Foundation License Management
• Describe how to add license keys to the VMware Cloud Foundation inventory
• Describe how to view license keys in SDDC Manager
• Describe how to assign license keys
• Describe how to remove license keys
• Describe how to replace expiring licenses
6 VMware Cloud Foundation Networking with NSX-T
• Describe NSX Management plane and Control planes
• Detail design considerations for workload domains with shared NSX Manager instances
• Detail design considerations for workload domains with dedicated NSX Manager instances
• Describe the spine-and-leaf design
• Describe the addressing scheme for the underlay
• Recognize possible variations of the spine-and-leaf design
• Describe the multi-NIC design
• Describe NSX Edge node design and BGP peering with the physical network
• Describe cluster design and rack design
• Explain dynamic routing with BGP
• Explain virtual IP addressing
• Describe logical switching
• Detail NSX Edge functions
• Define application virtual networks
• Describe management domain rack options
• List NSX Edge cluster requirements for vSphere with Tanzu
• Discuss NSX Edge cluster placement considerations
• Describe NSX-T Data Center deployment in VMware Cloud Foundation
• Explain how logical routing works in NSX-T Data Center
• Identify NSX Edge functions
• Describe data plane preparation for NSX-T Data Center Edge nodes in a workload domain
• Recognize Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateway topologies
• Recognize features of NSX distributed firewalls
• Describe the benefits of NSX Federation in VMware Cloud Foundation
• Identify NSX Federation Use Cases
• Explain NSX Federation Components and Architecture
• Discuss NSX Federation configuration basics
7 Managing Workload Domains
• Define workload domains
• Detail design considerations for vSphere networking in management and VI workload domains
• Detail design considerations for storage in management and VI workload domains
• Recognize design choices for a consolidated design or standard design
• List the types of workload domains
• State scale limits for workload domains
• Identify use cases for multiple clusters in a workload domain
• List workload domain prerequisites
• Explain how to create a workload domain
• Describe how to scale a workload domain
• Explain how to delete a workload domain
• Describe host decommissioning
8 vSphere with Tanzu in VMware Could Foundation
• Discuss the vSphere with Tanzu solution
• Define the role of Spherelet
• Describe the supervisor cluster control plane
• Define vSphere with Tanzu namespaces
• Describe the role of NSX-T networking components
• Discuss vSphere with Tanzu networking topology
• Describe VMware Container Networking with Antrea
• Describe control plane VM management networking requirements
• Plan appropriate IP address CIDR ranges for pod, ingress, and egress networking
• Describe prerequisites for vSphere with Tanzu cluster compatibility
• Deploy vSphere with Kubernetes
• Create a vSphere namespace
• Configure limits and permissions for a vSphere namespace
• Enabling Harbor Image Registry
9 VMware Cloud Foundation Storage Management
• Identify vSAN architecture and components
• Recognize storage options for VMware Cloud Foundation
• Recognize the supported storage options for each domain
• Recognize the connectivity options for supplemental storage
• Explain why vSAN is the best option for VMware Cloud Foundation storage
• Recognize vSAN design considerations
• Identify sizing and performance considerations that impact the storage design
• Describe vSAN requirements for the management and workload domains
• Define deduplication and compression
• Discuss how to scale vSAN clusters in VMware Cloud Foundation
• Explain how storage policies work with VMware Cloud Foundation vSAN clusters
• Explain storage policy failure tolerance rules
• Identify a VM storage policy compliance status
• Relate storage policies to Kubernetes storage classes
• Describe persistent volumes
• Monitor Cloud Native Storage in the vSphere Client
10 Availability and Business Continuity
• Identify steps in the SDDC Manager backup and restore process
• Recognize the importance of external service availability
• Describe native vSphere availability options
• Identify steps in the NSX backup and restore process
• Identify stretched cluster use cases
• Identify stretched cluster components
• Recognize stretched cluster requirements in VMware Cloud Foundation
• Prepare and deploy a vSAN stretched cluster using APIs
11 VMware Cloud Foundation Certificate Management
• Describe public key infrastructure (PKI)
• Explain the purpose of certificate signing requests (CSRs)
• List the available CA options in SDDC Manager
• Describe how to view certificates
• Explain how to generate a CSR
• Describe how to replace and install certificates for VMware Cloud Foundation components
• List the available CA options in SDDC Manager
• Explain how to configure the Microsoft CA server
• Describe how to install certificates issued by the Microsoft CA server
• Explain how to add OpenSSL CA in SDDC Manager
• Describe how to install certificates issued by OpenSSL CA
• Explain how to install certificates issued by third-party CAs
12 VMware Cloud Foundation Life Cycle Management
• Describe Life Cycle Management
• List products that you can upgrade using VMware Cloud Foundation Lifecycle Manager
• Describe the available options for online and offline bundle download using VMware Cloud Foundation
Lifecycle Manager
• Describe the role of vSphere Lifecycle Management in VMware Cloud Foundation
• Describe vSphere Lifecycle Manager Baseline-based and Image-based Clusters
• Detail how and when to use cluster images
• Explain how to import a cluster image
• Explain how to extract a cluster image
• Describe the importance of hardware support managers
• Describe the upgrade prerequisites
• Outline the upgrade precheck process
• Describe the order of upgrade for VMware Cloud Foundation components
• Explain how to upgrade VMware Cloud Foundation software and components
13 VMware Imaging Appliance
• Identify the requirements for starting a deployment
• List the options to image a host
• Identify the key capabilities of the VMware Imaging Appliance
• Explain how to use the VMware Imaging Appliance to image hosts
14 VMware Cloud Foundation Multisite Instance Federation
• Recognize the benefits of the federation feature in VMware Cloud Foundation
• Describe the federation feature and multisite management
• Recognize ways a federation helps manage resources and provide visibility in a multi-instance
implementation of VMware Cloud Foundation
• Describe how to create, join, leave, and dismantle a federation
• Recognize the design considerations for a federation
15 VMware Cloud Foundation Troubleshooting
• Explain how to perform checks and create log bundles with the SoS tool
• List VMware Cloud Foundation services
• Identify VMware Cloud Foundation log files
• Describe the use of reference token IDs to troubleshoot failed workflows
Durata – 5 giorni
Erogazione – in Aula, On Site, Remoto
Requisiti PC e SW:
- Connessione Internet
- Web browser, Google Chrome
- Zoom
Trainer: Italiano
Labs: Inglese
Slides: Inglese