VMware Workspace ONE: UEM Troubleshooting [V22.x]
Categorie: VMware Workspace ONE

• VMware Workspace ONE
Metodologia didattica
Il corso prevede laboratori didattici in cui ciascuno studente potrà lavorare ai fini di portare a termine esercizi formativi che forniranno esperienza pratica nell’utilizzo dello strumento, per ciascuno degli argomenti affrontati durante il corso.
Chi dovrebbe partecipare
Amministratori di Workspace ONE, account manager, architetti di soluzioni, ingegneri di soluzioni, ingegneri di vendita, ingegneri del supporto tecnico e consulenti.
Questo corso richiede il completamento di uno dei seguenti corsi:
Conoscenze/Competenze in uscita
Al termine del corso, dovreste essere in grado di:
- Riassumere le metodologie di base per la risoluzione dei problemi
- Illustrare le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi nella console UEM di Workspace ONE.
- Illustrare le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi quando si integrano soluzioni aziendali nella console UEM di Workspace ONE.
- Riassumere le strategie comuni di risoluzione dei problemi per i dispositivi gestiti da Workspace ONE UEM
- Illustrare le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi di gestione delle applicazioni nella console UEM di Workspace ONE
- Riassumere le tecniche comuni di risoluzione dei problemi per la gestione della posta elettronica nella console Workspace ONE UEM.
- Spiegare gli approcci comuni per la risoluzione dei problemi della piattaforma VMware Unified Access Gatewayâ„¢ e dei singoli servizi edge.
- Illustrare gli strumenti utili per la risoluzione dei problemi, come il Self-Service Portal e VMware Workspace ONE® Assist™
Programma didattico
1 Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives
2 Fundamentals of Troubleshooting Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline software troubleshooting logic and support methods
• Summarize the main process flows for the Workspace ONE UEM components
• Explain the importance of Workspace ONE UEM process flows for troubleshooting
• Identify different Workspace ONE UEM log files
3 Workspace ONE UEM Console Troubleshooting
• Outline the best practices for troubleshooting Workspace ONE UEM console issues
• Identify common group management and assignment-related issues
• Outline common issues for Workspace ONE UEM console roles and system settings
• Understand how analytic events can be used to identity platform errors
• Summarize the steps for collecting and analyzing Workspace ONE UEM console logs
4 Integration Troubleshooting
• Outline the common enterprise integrations in Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline common troubleshooting techniques for the VMware AirWatch® Cloud Connector™
• Troubleshoot issues related to Directory Services integration
• Identify directory user and groups synchronization issues
• Troubleshoot issues related to certificate authority integration
• Explain VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ integration and VMware Workspace ONE® Intelligent Hub troubleshooting techniques
5 Endpoint Troubleshooting
• Compare the endpoint connection topologies in Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline useful tools and resources for endpoint troubleshooting
• Summarize the best practices for device enrollment troubleshooting
• Explain device connectivity troubleshooting techniques
• Understand how to identify and resolve profile-related issues
• Identify common compliance policy issues and potential root causes
6 Applications Troubleshooting
• Explain the different scoping questions for troubleshooting applications
• Review application management configurations
• Summarize the general tools and resources for application troubleshooting
• Describe the general logic of troubleshooting public applications
• Understand internal application issues and potential causes
• Explain purchased application troubleshooting techniques
7 Unified Access Gateway And Edge Services Troubleshooting
• Review Unified Access Gateway architecture and edge service workflows
• Understand Unified Access Gateway general configurations
• Explain how to utilize Unified Access Gateway related troubleshooting tools and resources
• Identify and resolve common issues for Content Gateway on Unified Access Gateway
• Summarize troubleshooting techniques for VMware Workspace ONE® Tunnel™ on Unified Access Gateway
8 Email Troubleshooting
• Review different email architecture and workflows
• Summarize common errors associated with email profiles
• Identify tools and resources for email troubleshooting
• Discuss troubleshooting techniques for VMware AirWatch® Secure Email Gateway™ on Unified Access Gateway
• Outline PowerShell integration issues and techniques to address them
9 Additional Troubleshooting Tools
• Describe how the Self-Service Portal helps administrators and empowers end-users to resolve issues
• Understand how Workspace ONE Assist can help endpoint troubleshooting
Durata – 2 giorni
Erogazione – in Aula, On Site, Remoto
Requisiti PC e SW:
- Connessione Internet
- Web browser, Google Chrome
- Zoom
Trainer: Italiano
Labs: Inglese
Slides: Inglese