VMware vSphere: Operate, Scale and Secure [V8]
Categorie: VMware vSphere
• VMware ESXi 8.0
• VMware vCenter 8.0
Metodologia didattica
Il corso prevede laboratori didattici in cui ciascuno studente potrà lavorare ai fini di portare a termine esercizi formativi che forniranno esperienza pratica nell’utilizzo dello strumento, per ciascuno degli argomenti affrontati durante il corso.
Chi dovrebbe partecipare
Amministratori di sistema esperti, ingegneri di sistema e integratori di sistema
- Aver partecipato a VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V8]
- Conoscenza ed esperienza di amministrazione equivalenti con ESXi e vCenter.
- Esperienza di lavoro alla riga di comando altamente raccomandata.
Conoscenze/Competenze in uscita
Al termine del corso, dovreste essere in grado di raggiungere i seguenti obiettivi:
- Configurare e gestire un repository di strumenti VMware
- Configurare vSphere Replication e recuperare le macchine virtuali replicate.
- Gestire l’utilizzo delle risorse delle macchine virtuali con i pool di risorse
- Configurare e gestire la rete e lo storage di vSphere per un’azienda grande e sofisticata.
- Configurare VMware vCenter Server® High Availabilit
- Utilizzare i profili host per gestire la conformità degli host VMware ESXi™ 8.
- Utilizzare il client vSphere e la riga di comando per gestire i certificati.
- Monitorare le prestazioni di vCenter, ESXi e delle macchine virtuali nel client vSphere.
- Proteggere VMware vCenter® 8, ESXi e le macchine virtuali nell’ambiente vSphere
- Utilizzare Identity Federation per configurare il vCenter in modo che utilizzi fonti di identità esterne.
- Utilizzare VMware vSphere® Trust Authorityâ„¢ per proteggere l’infrastruttura per le macchine virtuali crittografate
Programma didattico
1 Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives
2 Virtual Machine Operations
• Recognize the role of a VMware Tools™ Repository
• Configure a VMware Tools Repository
• Recognize the backup and restore solution for VMs
• Identify the components in the VMware vSphere® Replication™ architecture
• Deploy and configure vSphere Replication and VMware Site Recovery™ instances
• Recover replicated VMs
3 vSphere Cluster Operations
• Create and manage resource pools in a cluster
• Describe how scalable shares work
• Describe the function of the vCLS
• Recognize operations that might disrupt the healthy functioning of vCLS VMs
4 Network Operations
• Configure and manage vSphere distributed switches
• Describe how VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control enhances performance
• Explain distributed switch features such as port mirroring and NetFlow
• Define vSphere Distributed Services Engine
• Describe the use cases and benefits of VMware vSphere® Distributed Services Engine™
5 Storage Operations
• Discuss vSphere support for NVMe and iSER technologies
• Describe the architecture and requirements of vSAN configuration
• Describe storage policy-based management
• Recognize components in the VMware vSphere® Virtual Volumes™ architecture
• Configure Storage I/O Control
6 vCenter and ESXi Operations
• Create a vCenter backup schedule
• Recognize the importance of vCenter High Availability
• Explain how vCenter Server High Availability works
• Use host profiles to manage ESXi configuration compliance
• Recognize the benefits of using configuration profiles
• Use the vSphere client and the command line to manage certificates
7 vSphere Monitoring
• Monitor the key factors that can affect a virtual machine’s performance
• Describe the factors that influence vCenter performance
• Use vCenter tools to monitor resource use
• Create custom alarms in vCenter
• Describe the benefits and capabilities of VMware Skyline™
• Recognize uses for VMware Skyline Advisor™ Pro
8 vSphere Security and Access Control
• Recognize strategies for securing vSphere components, such as vCenter, ESXi hosts, and virtual machines
• Describe vSphere support for security standards and protocols
• Describe identity federation and recognize its use cases
• Configure identity federation to allow vCenter to use an external identity provider
9 vSphere Trusted Environments and VM Encryption
• Configure ESXi Host Access and Authentication
• Describe virtual machine security features
• Describe the components of a VM encryption architecture
• Create, manage, and migrate encrypted VMs
• List VM encryption events and alarms
• Describe the benefits and use cases of vSphere Trust Authority
Durata – 5 giorni
Erogazione – in Aula, On Site, Remoto
Requisiti PC e SW:
- Connessione Internet
- Web browser, Google Chrome
- Zoom
Trainer: Italiano
Labs: Inglese
Slides: Inglese