VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Infrastructure and Application Automation
Categorie: VMware NSX
•NSX Advanced Load Balancer 18.2
Metodologia didattica
Il corso prevede laboratori didattici in cui ciascuno studente potrà lavorare ai fini di portare a termine esercizi formativi che forniranno esperienza pratica nell’utilizzo dello strumento, per ciascuno degli argomenti affrontati durante il corso.
Chi dovrebbe partecipare
- Amministratori di sistema o amministratori di rete esperti, ingegneri software e DevOps
Conoscenze/Competenze in uscita
Al termine del corso, dovreste essere in grado di raggiungere i seguenti obiettivi:
- Descrivere l’architettura di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
- Descrivere i componenti e le funzioni principali di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
- Spiegare le caratteristiche e i vantaggi principali di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
- Descrivere e utilizzare le API REST di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
- Descrivere e sfruttare gli SDK di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer con particolare attenzione all’SDK Python.
- Sfruttare le caratteristiche e le funzioni dell’API REST e dell’SDK per il provisioning dei componenti di distribuzione delle applicazioni.
- Descrivere e sfruttare le integrazioni di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer con Ansible e Terraform
- Descrivere e sfruttare VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer Github, Docker (avinetworks/avitools), Ansible Galaxy e altre risorse open source per accelerare la pianificazione e l’implementazione dell’automazione.
- Sfruttare le integrazioni di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer Ansible e Terraform per il provisioning di componenti dell’infrastruttura
- Sfruttare le integrazioni di VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer Ansible e Terraform per automatizzare e semplificare il provisioning dei servizi di distribuzione delle applicazioni.
Programma didattico
1 Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives
2 Introduction to NSX Advanced Load Balancer
• Introduce NSX Advanced Load Balancer
• Discuss NSX Advanced Load Balancer use cases, and benefits
• Explain NSX Advanced Load Balancer architecture and components
• Explain the management, control, data, and consumption planes and functions
3 Virtual Services Configuration Concepts
• Explain Virtual Service components
• Explain Virtual Service types
• Explain and configure basic virtual services components such as Application Profiles, Network Profiles,
Pools and Health Monitors
4 Pools Configuration Concepts
• Explain and deep dive on Pool configuration options
• Describe multiple load balancing algorithms
• Explain multiple Health Monitor types
• Explain multiple Persistent profiles
• Explain and configure Pool Groups
5 Leveraging NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API
• Explain NSX Advanced Load Balancer automation vision
• Explain and introduce NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API
• Describe NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API methods and capabilities
• Describe NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API session handling properties such authentication, API
versioning and tenancy model
• Deep dive on NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API Object Model
• Explain and investigate NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API leveraging browser and command line
• Explain and interact with NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API leveraging browser, Postman and Curl
• Explain Swagger-based API Documentation
• Explain and leverage NSX Advanced Load Balancer Inventory API
• Explain and leverage NSX Advanced Load Balancer methods such as GET, PUT, POST and PATCH and
associated queries, filters and parameters
• Deep dive on NSX Advanced Load Balancer PATCH method
• Explain and leverage NSX Advanced Load Balancer Analytics API
• Explain and leverage NSX Advanced Load Balancer MACRO API
6 NSX Advanced Load Balancer Software-Defined Kits (SDKs) and ControlScripts
• Introduce NSX Advanced Load Balancer SDKs
• Describe, install and leverage NSX Advanced Load Balancer Python SDK
• Deep dive on NSX Advanced Load Balancer Python SDK
• Describe and leverage Golang SDK
• Leverage NSX Advanced Load Balancer open source resources such as Github, etc to accelerate SDKs
• Describe NSX Advanced Load Balancer Events and Alerts framework
• Introduce ControlScripts foundations
• Leverage ControlScripts to automate configuration changes and alerts remediation
7 Automating NSX Advanced Load Balancer Application Delivery Services with Ansible and Terraform
• Introduce NSX Advanced Load Balancer Configuration Orchestration and Management vision
• Introduce and explain Ansible foundations
• Describe Ansible and NSX Advanced Load Balancer Ansible capabilities
• Deep dive and implement NSX Advanced Load Balancer Ansible Core configuration modules
• Deep dive and implement Ansible NSX Advanced Load Balancer Declarative configuration role
• Leverage Swagger NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API models to develop and implement Ansible
• Explain application delivery configuration automation approach and models
• Apply configuration automation models with Ansible
• Introduce and explain Terraform foundations
• Describe Terraform and NSX Advanced Load Balancer Terraform capabilities
• Deep dive and implement NSX Advanced Load Balancer Terraform Provider
• Leverage Swagger NSX Advanced Load Balancer REST API models to develop and implement Terraform
• Apply configuration automation models with Terraform
8 Automating NSX Advanced Load Balancer Infrastructure with Ansible and Terraform
• Introduce NSX Advanced Load Balancer infrastructure Automation vision
• Describe infrastructure deployment approach and capabilities
• Describe Ansible and NSX Advanced Load Balancer Ansible Infrastructure deployment approach and
• Describe Terraform and NSX Advanced Load Balancer Terraform deployment approach and capabilities
• Leverage Terraform to deploy Controllers and perform system configuration, including control plane cluster
• Leverage Terraform to provision Cloud, Service Engine Groups and Service Engine components
• Describe and leverage Ansible roles to deploy Controllers and perform initial system configuration,
including control plane cluster setup
• Leverage Ansible declarative and core roles to provision Cloud, Service Engine Groups and Service
Engine components
• Describe and implement combined Terraform + Ansible model to streamline NSX Advanced Load Balancer
solution deployment
Durata – 3 giorni
Erogazione – in Aula, On Site, Remoto
Requisiti PC e SW:
- Connessione Internet
- Web browser, Google Chrome
- Zoom
Trainer: Italiano
Labs: Inglese
Slides: Inglese